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Build A Kick Serve

If you want a big kick serve, you probably want to spend some time developing the motion off the court. Why? Because a kick serve requires, above all, proper body stretch and positioning and getting the racket and arm in the right position before launching UPWARD. You must stretch the proper muscles out off the court and get into the final racket position over and over again, getting the feel for this fully stretched position.

The mistake that almost everyone makes is they think it's all about racket head speed. All their focus is on the racket. That is incorrect. You can swing your racket as fast as you want, but if your racket and body don't get into the proper launch position, NOTHING else you do will matter. You must get into the launching position first. That has to precede everything else you do. I encourage you to set up a mirror behind you to make sure you are getting into this exact final position. Have a friend, or your coach stand behind you and help you find this EXACT POSITION.

Now for a little explanation. This player drives his elbow up high by rotating his shoulders upward and at the same time lets his arm fall down and supinate outward. You supinate by turning your forearm and hand inward (it's like twisting a light bulb into a socket - when you do this your inner forearm and the palm of your hand will rotate to face you).

Here are the reference points for this final crucial position. First, look at how there is an angle between his wrist and forearm. His wrist is actuall cocked back (helps supinate fully). Look at how high his elbow is from driving his shoulders up while supinating his racket back and down. And finally, see how the racket runs along the side of his body (not straight down towards the ground like 99% of servers I see)? That is the hallmark position of a great kicker, because now you can launch upwards and then come into the ball at an angle for the massive torque to the side. But that is Part II!

And one more thing. He is really tossing the ball to his left side. You can see the arc even though the video cuts off the full motion.

Kicker Part 2